Beenoise Attack on november
Beenoise Attack on november every friday at 10 pm on radio dance roma www.radiodanceroma.it 5th Mastik Groove 12th Bismark 19th Luke 26 Sigis Vinylism
Beenoise Attack on november every friday at 10 pm on radio dance roma www.radiodanceroma.it 5th Mastik Groove 12th Bismark 19th Luke 26 Sigis Vinylism
sabato 21 ore 20 da non pordere l’appuntamento con noise club takeover sull’app Woov!!! ore 20 Luke. ore 21 Anela ore 22 Bismark per partecipare potete scaricare l’app se non l’avete gia’ https://www.woovapp.com/event/17462 oppure seguire dal web: https://woov.live/event/17462 usando questo codice per entrare : 1W5Q9G6T durante i live potete interaggire […]
July 3 Dj Fox july 10 Alex Sundee july 17 Nicole Fiallo july 24 Stefano Tirelli july 31 TIZ www.radiodanceroma.it www.mixcloud.com/beenoisetv at midnight on rdr and beenoise tv (saturday)
2 july LUKE 9 july Mark Pisto 16 july Bismark 23 july Mastic Groove 30 Sigis Vinylism
From June 21 every day at 7 pm only vinyl dj’s all over the world!!! Line UP: june 21 7 pm Bismark 8 pm Roberto Ferro june 22 7 pm Luzifa 8 pm Emme Medina june 23 7 pm Alex Sundee 8 pm Nello Jay june 24 7 pm Max […]
JUNE 5th a cup of thea with Dj Fox at midnight on radio dance roma 6th a cup of thea with Dj Fox at 2 pm on beenoise tv 12th a cup of thea with Alex Sundee at midnight on radio dance roma 13th a cup of thea with Alex […]
Line Up: 7th Bismark on radio dance roma (10 pm) 9th Bismark on beenoise tv (2 pm) 14th Anela on radio dance roma (10 pm) 16th Anela on beenoise tv (2 pm) 21th Luke on radio dance roma (10 pm) 23th Luke on beenoise tv (2 pm) 28th Sigis Vinylim […]
LINE UP: 1th Dj Fox 5 pm on beenoise tv midnight on radio dance roma 8th Chandni 5 pm on beenoise tv midnight on radio dance roma 15th Stefano Tirelli 5 pm on beenoise tv midnight on radio dance roma 22th Alex Sundee 5 pm on beenoise tv midnight on […]
the live streaming festival on beenoise tv LINE UP: MAY 17 8 pm Giovanni Giomba 9 pm Bismark 18 8 pm Max Sensation 9 pm Emme Medina 19 8 pm Tiz 9 pm Roberto ferro 20 8 pm Sigis Vinylism 9 pm Anela 21 8 pm Silvano Del Gado 9 […]
LINE UP BEENOISE ATTACK RADIO 9th 11 Unicorns 16th Luke 23th Sigis Vinylism 30th Vortex LINE UP BEENOISE ATTACK ON BEENOISE TV 10TH 11 Unicorns 17th Luke 24th Sigis Vinylism may 1th Vortex