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Silvano Del Gado

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BiographyI was born in Pisa on the 13 of August 1971.I am a percussionist and a drummer and I am specialized in Afro-Cuban percussions.I started to study with Mr. Valerio Perla and then I continued my education following international teachers such as Ernesttico (to improve percussions), Mr. Oracio Ernandez (el […]


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Vinzze, DJ and producer born in 1985 in Spain and who at the age of 16 began to be interested in electronic music, a lover of the most forceful and dark Hard and Techno sounds, without neglecting powerful and catchy melodies.


Firenze [italy] close

Antonella Anela, in arte ANELA, è una dj e producer italiana.Nata in Belgio e residente in Italia dove attualmente vive e svolge la sua professione. Quando ha scoperto la musica Techno è stato amore a prima vista,e sin dai suoi primi passi nella scena elettronica italiana e internazionale si è […]

Fabio SP

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Fabio begins the experience as a DJ on an FM radio in his hometown The RSI (Radio Savona International) in the early 90s, begins to use audio systems, mixers and turntables and in the same period the disco become part of his life, both as a regular visitor and as […]


rome [italy] close

Marco inizia per passione nel 1983. In quell’anno parte per il servizio di leva in Sardegna e grazie ad un dj noto del luogo inizia a fare le prime apparizioni in diversi locali del posto. Nel 1987, nelle bellissime ville della capitale, inizia a farsi sentire suonando nei famosi “Bandana […]

Mark Pisto

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Mark Pisto, Dj e Producer, nasce a Torino nel 1984. A 10 anni incomincia a ascoltare la musica dance e a 15 comincia a frequentare le discoteche. Come tutti i giovani rimane affascinato da quel mondo di divertimento e si appassiona alla club Life a tal punto che decide di […]

Mastik Groove

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My passion for techno was born whe i was still a child. With the time the desire to become an elecronic musicproducer pushed me more and more to the knowledge of techno music production techniques,so finally i produced my first record on 2017.

Pierfrancesco Grossi

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Pierfrancesco Grossi is an Italian Dj Producer born on June 10, 1989. He is eldest son of the Italian DJ Mr. Robert, he grew up frequenting many clubs, watching his father put the disks on the console. He immediately became passionate about disco music and independently learned to mix at […]


roma [italy] close

He began his career as a radio DJ in 1996 working for the Roman radio station Mondoradio. In 2001, he produced his first record with Do It Yourself and produced other records in the years following his collaboration with Radio Centrosuono. In 2011, he created Beenoise Records, a novelty for […]

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